

This version was saved 15 years, 1 month ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Dawn Mitchell
on January 5, 2010 at 5:03:31 pm

Welcome to our Work Space!   


This workspace is designed to allow for collaboration among teachers as we work together to create units of study for our classroom writing workshops.   Please see the sidebar for a list of pages we will work together on. 


You will see a page for each unit of study that we will delve into together during our course as writers and readers.  Each week you will have the opportunity to post additional mentor texts you have used or have recently found to add to our class text set and you can also post your writings that have been influenced by each study. 


You will also find a page for each author study discussion group where you will list the texts your book group has read and studied as well as your culminating book review.   


Also on the sidebar, is a page created for you to post your craft pause teaching demonstration / class minilesson handout that will provide us with a mentor text(s) and the strategy used/discussed with ideas for implementation and a product vision.


Last, you will see the Teacher Created Units of Study page where you will be able to post and work on your integrated unit plan.


Please feel free to post comments and helpful feedback to each other and to add material and information as we go along.  I look forward to the wealth of materials and ideas that we will create together on this wiki.




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