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Class Slice of Life Noticings Chart

Page history last edited by rphillips@spartanburg3.org 14 years, 5 months ago

From our whole group slice of life mini-lessons and from our independent reading immersion and close study of chosen slice of life texts we've created this noticings chart of this genre.


Class Slice of Life Noticings Chart


April Camp's Noticings

Southern Living


Cathy Rode's Noticings

  • Had a part of the story not crafted by the author such as:  plot, detailed character features
  • was realistic
  • not very long in length for the most part
  • had repetition; figurative language;
  • Varies in tone, mood
  • humorous stories about everyday life
  • reminded me of the "hummmmm" moments


Bonnie Cumbo's Noticings:

  •  written in first person point of view
  • Often written based on a memory
  • writing about something realistic in someone's life
  • you can usually connect with the writer on some level
  • figurative language used often
  • the writing brings out the writer's and reader's emotions
  • often written in a "timeline" format taking you through the events of a day or a lifetime
  • story is very practical and down to earth
  • great details used, ex. specific names, or activities
  • often written about family or a pet
  • gives you a glimpse of someone's life
  • fun to read


Crystal Weathers Noticings

  •  personnal narratives
  • short fiction wriitngs
  • can replace your name and the story could be yours
  • based on social issues
  • realistic soundng dialogue


Amber McDonald's Noticings Chart

For Slice of Life I did a noticings chart on the book Roller Coaster. I already turned it in, but here are some things I noticed...

*Told in 1st Person

*Everyday experience

*Has a surprise ending

*Sometimes contains humor

*In this book she stretch out words to add feeling "a-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l" and used a lot of ellipsis


Sarah Stephanoff's Noticings Chart

My Father the Dog by Elizabeth Bluemle

- Great lead! - "My father pretends to be human but I know he is really a dog. Consider the evidence:"

- every day noticing - little girl notices that her dad and dog are very similar

- illustrations - show dad and dog doing same things "My father can lie around for hours." (shows dog and dad sleeping)

- humor!!! - "He has been known to use a tree for a quick pit stop."

- good ending, wraps it up but keeps parallel "My father is loyal and thinks we're the best family in the world...which is good, 'cause mom says we can keep him."

- first person point-of-view


Kelly Compton's Noticings Chart

Noticings Chart for The Stars will Still Shine by Cynthia Rylant

Rylant uses the simple wonders and beauties of the world such as the stars in the sky, the sounds we hear (church bells ringing), things we see (kittens sleeping, stars, cows having calves, flowers blooming), things we taste (peaches, pies, adn ice cream), things we feel (cozy warm homes, rain) and touch (loved ones). She uses the 5 senses to to describe all the wonders of the world and how we can find confort in it, in simple child-like terms. This would be a great book to use at the beginning of the year to let the students see how this book goes through the changes of the seasons and how we also do as people . They could write about the beauties they see around them.


Joan Green's Noticings Chart

The mentor text that I used was Dave Barry's article entitled, "A leap in cow control." Things that I noticed were:

Lots of humor

Written as if he is casually talking to someone

Begins with a real-life news story or a real problem

Lots of voice

Voice is developed through questioning and funny comments.

His ending cycles back to the beginning.


Lindsay Blanton's Noticings Chart

My mentor text - Teaching Day by Day by Donald Graves

This mentor text is like a Chicken Soup for the Teacher's Soul type of book. It is filled with many inspirational stories about teaching. We all to grab a story like that.


1st person

you can put yourself in their shoes

stories for you to relate to

lessons/leaves you thinking

quotes are found a lot of the time to be inspirational and heartfelt


Martha's Noticings Chart for my mentor text "It's TIme for Kickoff", Southern Living Magazine,September 2005

1. Alliteration- "Fellowship with friends and family...", "no strangers at a Southern ...", "Friend's father...friendly..."

2.hyperbole-"brought enough food to feed both teams","newcomers felt they had known us for years"

3. Metaphor- "The bees in the kitchen were more interested in each other than the game."

4. Listings that draw in the reader-"malls empty out, cars jam the highways, and tens of thousands of people fill nearby stadiums-all in honor of college football.

5. Everyday details that most can relate to immediately--football, tailgating,Southern hospitality, fellowship with friends.


Kimberly Trott's Noticings Chart

The slice of life article I read, happend to be a slice of life and a list article combined. It was in Road and Track magazine and was written by Peter Egan, the editor at large. I don't normally read this type of maginze but as I was flipping through it looking at the pictures of the cars the title caught my eye, Signs That You Might Be a Car Guy. Well I have always wanted to know how to fix my own car myself and knowing my dad was a car buff and that my son was taking the automotive tehnology program at RD Anderson I decided to read it.

It was a nice slice of life article asking, "If a man doesn't change his own oil, can still be considered a "car guy?"

What I noticed about this article isthat it is very friendly. It is written in first person. It is comical. It is apologetic yet contains real world feelings. The way that I think about it is kinda like being able to say what you wouldn't normally say out loud to people ut are able to do it in the slice of life. Slice of life is to me having the ability to write in the way you were actually thinking versus a pretend way.

Next, the article continues on for another entire section and ecomes a list article of 30 signs you might be a "car guy."


Kim Southerland's Noticings Chart

The slice of life I read was an article in the Spartanburg Herald Journal this week about a mother and her autistic son. It was a sad situation because she was a single mother and had a special needs child that was completely 100% dependent upon her because he could not talk or do anything for himself. She tried to kill herself and him too. Unfortunately, he did die and she was in bad condition. I felt so sorry for the entire situation because with myself being a mother of a special needs child I could understand the helplessness, and the despair she was experiencing. By no means do I agree with what she did, but I could empathize with the situation.... This is a situation that only special needs parents would relate... SO SAD.......


Heather Yordy's Noticings Chart

TITLE OF TEXT: God Gave Us You – by Lisa Tawn Bergren

What I noticed:

Repetition of the statement – “God gave us you.”

Using childlike language – “`So that was when I was borned?’ Little Cub asked.”

Text structure – when describing how her pregnant belly got bigger, the font also got bigger


Kim Barnette's Noticings Chart

In my Mommas Kitchen has several little memories of different times in the kitchen. The setting of this book is in the kitchen. It is beautifully written, had sevearl examples figurative language: metaphors, imagery, and even diaglogue. You could use this book in teacing basically most geners. There are times were you remember a time in your kitchen or for me in my grandma's kitchen.


Lori Milan's Noticing Chart

  • short
  • can relate to a majority...if it is a hunting/ fishing article, it will relate to a majority of those interested
  • tone is strong. If it is humorous, it is extreme...sad, same thing. Any emotion the author pulls you toward is intense.
  • ends where it started 



Kim Sutherland's Noticing Chart

 "Passing the Trowel" from Southern Living

  • introduction descriptive imagery
  • made me laugh
  • strong verbs that pertained to gardening - soaked, transplanted, scatter etc.
  • first person point of view
  • great word choices ex. mama was a diehard gardener. whippersnappers who don't know gardening
  • alliteration
  • suggest appreciation develops as we mature/age 


Renee Phillips Noticing Chart

 Valley of the Dolls By Dave Barry

  •   Lead and ending are catchy
  •    1st person
  •  Dialog
  • Real life
  •  Personal tone that readers can relate to
  •   Slice of Life articles need to draw the reader in quickly. Since it is an article the reader is looking for something that is easy to read.
  • Using 1st person and a personal tone makes the reader feel like they are “writing” the article.
  • Dialog also adds to the personal feel and makes the reader fell like they are a talking

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