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Unit of Study:  Process Studies

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Saved by Lori Milan
on March 16, 2010 at 10:12:15 am

This page is to share the suggested list of process study ideas discussed in class and to provide a space for us to add to this list collaboratively.  This is also a place where you can post your writing that has been influenced from this unit of study.  *Please add your first and last name and the title and author of your text with your post. Please also add a picture if available and a hyperlink to the page where we could order the book online if we choose to.

Writer's Notebooking: 

Product DetailsNotebook Know-How:  Aimee Buckner 

Recommended by Amber McDonald:  This is a great book as to how to set up notebooking in your classroom. I do feel that is a great addition to anyone's library. I like how the chapters are divided into certain parts of how to use a writer's notebook to its fullest advantage!


*Process Study:  Revision



Product DetailsThe Revision Toolbox by Georgia Heard

Recommended by Dawn Mitchell.  This is a professional development text that I have used with a variety of grade levels 2nd grade through adults with success.  Georgia Heard who is a well known published writer and teacher of wriitng created this text to help us learn different tools for revision.  In this text, Heard provides multiple strategies for teaching revision and ideas for revision centers and even conferring strategies.  A great must-have for all writing teachers.



Product DetailsCraft Lessons by Ralph Fletcher and Joann Portalupi 

Recommended by Cammie Price.

This is a great book to have in your classroom. We have a copy of this in our literacy closet that teachers often refer to. This book has practical lessons in an easy to read one-page per lesson format. I like how the book is divided into 3 groups by grade levels (ex. K-2). The index is also helpful to help you quickly find specific lessons. Each lesson has 3 parts: discussion-reason for teaching craft, how to teach-teaching in writing conferences or small groups, and resource-contains additional texts you may want to use. This is helpful for new teachers of writers along with teachers who have been teaching awhile but need new ideas.


Product DetailsLive Writing by Ralph Fletcher

Recommended by Kim Sutherland. This book does a great job of teaching writing in small components. For example, how to teach students to write and describe a character, conflict, or use dialogue. Also, it gives examples of do's and don't for students.  Very user friendly and easy read.  This would be a great resource for all ELA teachers!!! 




Product DetailsThe Revisor's Toolbox by Barry Lane



Product DetailsMentor Texts: Teaching Writing Through Children's Literature, K-6 by Lynne Dorfman and Rose Cappelli

Recommended by Lindsay Blanton.  I just recently found this book and was able to purchase it for my school.  We've done so much with children's literature and writing and used 6+1 Writing Traits this year that I had to check it out.  There is a Nonfiction Mentor Text book as well.  I'll post the picture.  Great resource and helpful with units and looking at picture books that you may have and how to use them in mini-lessons.


Product DetailsNonfiction Mentor Texts: Teaching Informational Writing Through Children's Literature, K-8 by Lynne Dorfman and Rose Cappelli 

Recommended by Lindsay Blanton.  This is the Nonfiction Mentor Text book from the one I previously listed.  Same authors and same lay-out, just has the informational writing as the focus.  Great resource for creating writing units and mini-lessons.


Product DetailsIs That a Fact? by Tony Stead

Recommended by Lindsay Blanton.  I love Tony Stead!!!  He is a great presenter and ever since I attended the SCIRA conference I look for his books.  This is a great book for teaching nonfiction writing in grades K-2.  He loves to focus nonfiction reading and writing with the primary grades.  There is a lot of ideas in this book and he has several others that are must haves too!


Lucy Calkin's Unit of Study:  The Craft of Revision  (No image available on Amazon)



After "The End" by Barry Lane: Book Cover   After THE END:  Teaching and Learning Creative Revision by Barry Lane


Recommended by Heather Yordy.  This book helps make revision less of "you didn't do this correctly, now fix it" to showing revision as a work-in-progress.  Encouraging students to see what they've got as a good starting point and how to further develop their writing with the use of craft and other techniques to turn good writing into great writing.


Best Practices in Writing Instruction (Solving Problems in the Teaching of Literacy)Best Practices in Writing Instruction by Charles MacArthur and Jill Fitzgerald recommended by Kimberly Trott

This book was recommended to me by our literacy coach one year.  I don't have a copy of the text but copied techniques out of the book.  I found that this book gave me a lot of creative strategies for incorporating writing within  the social studies classroom. 


Woe is I Jr.: The Younger Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Plain English

Woe is I Jr. 

Recommended by Lori Milan

This is a grammar book written from the POV of a kid. It gives examples of commonly made grammar mistakes. It also uses connections from books my kids read. The only thing that I have to worry about is that some of my kids don't know they are speaking incorrectly! It is a lot of fun, and I think I got it from Scholstic for a dollar or 2!



I wasn't sure if we were suppose to post examples of various types of writing processes but if so I have them below.

Process Study Rhyme

MadelineMadelin By Ludwig Bemelmans Recommended by Kimberly Trott

This book using a rhying technique throughout the book and it also takes you on a journey of a day in the life of Madeline. 


Process Study Specific Time Period

Product DetailsTuesday by David Wiesner Recommended by Kimberly Trott

This is really a picture book, with four words and three references to a specific time.  It is a picture book on the events that occur in a frogs life one evening. 



Process Study Repeated Words

Product DetailsDick and Jane Fun with our Family Recommended by Kimberly Trott

I have always loved the Dick and Jane series.  My children read these books and  I read them.  I love books for early readers that repeat the same words over and over to help them recognize the words and repeat the pronunciation of them. 


Process Study A Series of Questions

Product DetailsMath Curse by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith Recommended by Kimberly Trott

This book is actually a book of math problems.  The teacher has put a math curse on the student.  Throughout the day everything he does becomes a math problem to him.  This would be great in an elementary math class.  Looks like 4th-5th grade math.  The book also uses creative fonts and lots of visual imagersy. 



*Process Study:  Punctuation


SMART Board Lessons: Capitalization & Punctuation: 40 Ready-to-Use, Motivating Lessons on CD to Help You Teach Capitalization & Punctuation Skills 

SMART Board Lessons: Capitalization & Punctuation: 40 Ready-to-Use, Motivating Lessons on CD to Help You Teach Capitalization & Punctuation Skills (Paperback)

~ Karen Kellaher (Author), Diana Mai (Author)

 Recommended by Cathy Rode

This is a wonderful tool to use for 3rd - 6th grade.  Students will be actively engaged in learning the rules for capitalization and other puctuation.  We don't have activie boards in our individual classrooms, but we have a "Mustang Corral" which we can use if we sign up.  This also contains CD's that you can use to print out hard copies as well. 

*See the Appendix of "Study Driven" to find more possibilities for process studies.



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